如何自製石墨稀How to make graphene with a pencil and sticky tape (w/ Videos)The video was developed as an initiative of COST 買屋(European Collaboration for Science and Technology), an intergovernmental association promoting joint science research, with 找房子aid from The Vega Science Trust, a science video communication charity.This past October, the 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics was 節能燈具awarded to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov from Manchester University for their work on graphene.The video on how to make 烤肉食材graphene at home is one of two videos (both shown below) explaining the amazing properties of the material. Hare has previously 好房網appeared on the BBC program “Rough Science” and now runs the Creative Science Centre in Sussex . 會場佈置 information: via: IEEE Spectrum"Andre Geim和濾桶Konstantin Novoselov因為對二維材料石墨烯的奠基性實驗而獲得2010年諾貝爾物理學獎。物理學者兼電視主持人Jonathan Hare在兩段科學普及小額信貸視頻中展示了如何在家自製這種材料,並且解釋了為什麼石墨烯有價值。" 相關資料: 1. 發現比鑽石還硬的材料:石墨烯(Graphene 售屋網2. 二一年諾貝爾物理學獎得主 石墨烯將改變人類生活 How to make graphene with a pencil and sticky tape with Dr. Jonathan 婚禮佈置Hare.Graphene and the carbon revolution with Dr. Jonathan Hare.

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